Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Movies n' stuff

Okay, I'm falling apart. I turned 50. Tennis elbow, for one thing. Now my right shoulder is acting twitchy and tender, aches after I swim. MyIronMan is just over two months in the future.

To say nothing of Obama's continuing campaigning. The man certainly isn't governing (see his undignified bashing of the previous occupant of the White House). He's breaking his promises left and right (so to speak).

Gotta love his choice for Supreme Court.

Says Judge Sotomayor, “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Just pause for a moment and savor that. What is she suggesting…pick our judges by their experience and cultural harmony with the case? Or, imagine the uproar if a Bush judge has suggested that a wise white male, because of the richness of his experience, would be more likely to reach a better conclusion than a Latina Woman. (cue the pitchforks and burning torches for the evil Republican)

This stuff is just maddening. I could not care less if the next Supreme is black, Latina, Asian...who cares, as long as they know the law are are willing to follow it where it leads? See another quote by de Judge where she identifies the place policy is made as being...not the Administration. Not the ballot box. No, in the appeals court.


Go see "Night at the Museum Two" A lot of fun, sweet, and with some very nice acting turns by Amy Adams (who captures the 30s Movie damerhythm perfectly) and Hank Azaria, who's just insanely funny.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thank you, obedient Obidiots

Thank you, obedient Obidiots (Obidiots = idiots who voted for Obama/Biden)

Thank you for the crushing debt you have allowed to be placed on our children, their children, and likely their children's children.

Thank you for showing your true lack of principle: ignoring Obama's mis-steps, mis-speaking, and his forgotten campaign promises because he's Your Guy, while knowing full well had President Bush done any of these things, it would have been a sign confirming The Republicans Are Evil.

Thank you for showing us what you really are.

Another perfect movie

Not "Star Trek," although that was a fun day at the movies.

I'm thinking of "Serendipity." A Romantic Comedy with John Cusack and Kate Beckinsdale. Like most RomComs, it is largely improbable, but saved by the charm of the cast, and the heart displayed in the relationships between the friends as well as the would-be lovers.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Netflix is our friend

Thanks to the miracle of Netflix, I've been able to watch a number of films and TV series that I'd never have had the time (or patience) to watch otherwise.

A few worth seeing:

"Let the Right One In." A Swedish film, a coming of age story about a tormented nerdly boy (maybe 12 years old) and his new friend. A wonderful, suprising, affecting, and scary film.

"Primeval." This is a series from Britain, which sounds like cheese on rye: holes open in space and time, allowing large and usually hungry visitors from the past into our world, and an intrepid team of scientists work to contain the threat. Fun for the family (AdventureBoy gets to call out the dinosaur names), but engaging, funny, thrilling. Great acting, too. Get the whole series.

"Shackelton" A BBC miniseries about the great Explorer who almost made it to the South Pole just before the first world war. With Kenneth Brannaugh as the ill-fated Shackelton, an amazing, gripping story of how their ship became frozen in the ice, before being ultimately crushed by the moving floes. Yet, Shackelton lead his men across the ice and water to safety and final rescue, and didn't lose a single member of his crew. My retelling does no justice to the tale...well worth your time to rent.

Good stuff

I have my little sayings, such as, "There is no good thing that is impervious to a human being's ability to use it for evil purposes."

The printing press is one thing. Guttenberg published a Bible, then, probably, published a girlie calendar next.

The Internet. Many wonderous things...sadly, probably outnumbered by the garbage on there.

Yet, there are fine and encouraging things on the Internet.

Who hasn't seen Susan Boyle singing her heart out?

Here's another one:


A fine song, uplifting even.


Getting Jiggy with it Again.

I'm back.

My blogging fell off during the spring. Lot of stuff going on: death in the family, work turmoil, white-trash tragedies.

To say nothing of the continual onslaught of the duplicity, lies, doubly-standard procedure, and hypocrisy that is the Obama Administration and his enablers in the House and Congress.

But, I have returned. As noted above, there is a lot going on politically, but I've been asked by one of my Dear Readers to focus a bit more on, you know, the rest of life.

So, it begins.