Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Liberal Equation

I’ve been trying for a while to understand why someone like Al Sharpton (alleged Reverend, convicted libeler, and reputed instigator of anti-Jewish riots that resulted in the deaths of several people) is given any credence at all as a leader or spokesman for the black (i.e, dependably Democratically voting) community. And it’s not just the Rev who gives me pause. One might ask the same of, say, Barney Frank or Nancy Pelosi.

After some cogitation, the answer became very apparent to me. I’ve put it into a handy formula, which I call the Liberal Equation.

RP + RM = All things good.

That is, if the Right Person (Al Sharpton, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy) delivers the Right Message, everything is groovy. Al can libel people and not pay the judgment for years, Bill Clinton can be a serial philanderer (if not an outright sexual predator), Ted Kennedy could be notorious drunk who left a young woman to drown in a pond…but, no matter. They’re the Right People delivering the Right Message.

And when they deliver the Right Message, then the natural order of the universe is affirmed. That, of course, being that the Republicans are the very fungal infection on Satan’s hooves, and the Democrats have sacrificed themselves to dutifully serving mankind in this limited human form until they are returned to their rightful place in the firmament, courtesy of Ezekiel’s chariot.

There are several corollaries of this equation that are equally useful when pondering the confusions of this vale of tears.

WP + RM = \/oo

Or, for you poetry majors, “Wrong Person plus the Right Message equals crickets, baby.” Sarah Palin (the uber WP) can point out a problem with corporate money corrupting our political process (a very RM these days, thank you Poseurs Occupying Wall Street), and the resulting silence will be as deep and restful as the grave.

Obviously, if the Wrong Person expresses the Wrong Message, then the result is best expressed:

WP + WM = The Whore of Babylon, The Number of the Beast, the Slaughter of the Innocents.

For the variable WP, use the name of any conservative. For WM, please input any statement that suggests a reduction in the power of the government over our individual choices is a good thing. Shake until well mixed.

Finally, the most important corollary of the Liberal Equation is:

RP + WM = 0

In its simplest form, this tells us that if the Right Person utters the Wrong Message, the result will be Nothing. The Mostly Sacred Media watchdogs are incapable of hearing heresy from the Anointed, as they live for every word that falls from the lips of the RP, and it will be as if the WM was never spoken.

Thus, Jesse Jackson, Jr. can suggest the President needs to declare those naughty folks in Congress are in “rebellion,” and just ignore the Constitution to do what needs to done. And North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue can “joke” about suspending Congressional elections for two years, and the MSM will be as one struck deaf and dumb.

What becomes clear is that for most self-described American Liberals, “What You Say Is Always More Important Than What You Do.” Words and Intentions matter far more than actual achievement (please refer to the CV of one Barack H. Obama for further evidence).

To borrow a phrase, “The science is settled.”

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