Sunday, November 2, 2008

Vote the facts

That's all.

Vote the facts.

Vote for the one who Walks the Walk, not the One who Talks the Talk a Lot.

Obama: half-brother in poverty, dear Auntie in a Boston slum. But he's about change and compassion. Hangs out with the most fringe people you can imagine, including raving racists (Reverend Wright), would-be kid killers (Bill Ayers), and virulent anti-Semites. Has concealed, consistently, his executive experience wasting 150 million dollars on education programs that were to indoctrinate children into leftist/socialist views (because we can't trust that they'll discover truth on their own). Has not released information about his undergraduate life, for some reason. Worked with and gave money to Acorn, an organization that consistently practices fraud and deception in vote registration. Has allowed a corrupt fund-raising set up on the web that takes money from "Nodda Real Person" and other nonsensical titles. Has seen his attack dogs go after critics (Joe the Plumber) for practicing their constitional right to question and after opponents (Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton) in the most sexist terms; and Obama has not called out to the attack dogs to lay off.

But he's about change (as long as we don't point to his VP, a 30+ year member of Congress).

McCain and Palin: McCain consistently pisses people off in his own party, because he seeks change, and doesn't just talk about it. He's made mistakes...but, unlike Obama, he has an actual record to which to point. Sarah Palin took on the entrenched forces of her state's Republican party. She made change happen.

You want a third world style government of corruption and favoritism, with high taxes, lower productivity, more jobs overseas: vote Obama.

You want a decent American government, that believes in your rights: vote McCain.

Vote the Facts, not the Fantasy.

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