Friday, February 20, 2009

Hope and Change Watch: Free Speech

If Bush did this, it would be evidence of the trampling of our civil rights.

The police officers who stopped Oklahoma City motorist Chip Harrison and confiscated a sign from his car told him he has a right to his beliefs, but the Secret Service "could construe this as a threat against President Obama," according to the incident report released this morning.

The sign? "Abort Obama Not the Unborn."

Cast your mind back for a moment onto some of the vomitous bile that was piled continuously on President Bush.

Nicholson Baker’s Checkpoint, a novella conversation between two people about the advisability of assassinating the president;

“Art” exhibits like this one:


And yet...these brave artists didn't have their means of expression taken away. I doubt the Secret Service paid a visit to Nicholas Baker. And don't forget the hip "Abort Palin" stickers, posters and tee-shirts.

Free Speech: Speak Freely (and correctly) about our Dear Leader.

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