Sunday, February 15, 2009

Shame on them

The Democrats, with help from just three "moderate" Republicans, have passed the Stimulus package.

Known variously as Porkulus or Paybackulus, it is nearly one trillion dollars. That's $1,000,000,000,000.

The written bill, itself, was over 1100 pages long. It was voted on in less than 48 hours. Do you think the entire bill has been read? Do you know what is in it? You hide a lot of stuff in 1100 pages and $1,000,000,000,000.

So. These buffoons voted for a bill they could not have humanly read and they are spending our money to do it. Take a quick look at your own life. If you are in debt, say by $100,000 dollars, would you go out and spend another $100,000 to get out of debt. How would you do that? How would that help you? You can't get out of debt by getting into more debt, can you?

Remember the promises of the campaign?

How many have been broken by the Candidate of Hope and Change?

There's only one answer. Throw the bums out.

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