Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Perfect Movies

I'm just brainstorming here.

I've long believed that movies are a kind of shared dream. A well made film...well, it can move you to tears, laughter, gasps of shock...and we can sit in a room with a hundred other people and have essentially the same emotional experience.

Perfect movies are rare, I think. Partly because they have to be fortuituously created, and they are also subject to a special alchemy based on the actors and other elements of the fictive world that's being created.

Two perfect films I watched this weekend:

Galaxy Quest and Stardust.

Both were funny and touching (the other rule about movies: The Best Movies Are About Love). And everyone involved was completely invested in what they were doing. There was something authentic about the aliens and witches and ghosts and hack actors who were portrayed in the respective film.

And they were about love.

Check them out. They're well worth your time.

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