Friday, January 16, 2009

It's Official

I'm a right wing crank.

Why? Because I want the U.S. out of the UN.

Good intentions don't justify enabling terrible behavior.

What good has the UN done, lately?

Darfur? Nope, hands off.


Gaza...have they managed to get Hamas to stop sending rockets at civilian targets in Israel? Hell, no. (Here's a sobering lesson: try to find out how much International aid has been sent to the Palestians...and then take a look at infrastructure of Gaza. For the many billions that have been sent, the place should be a paradise, yet, strangely, it's a festering slum. You may want to blame that on Israel...but who has been governing the area for years?)

There's so much the UN hasn't done...but, by golly, they can denounce Israel for pounding the snot out of Hamas.

US out of the UN. Kick them the hell out of our country. Let them be a dictator's boy's club on someone else's dime.

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