Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Learning new things...

One of the goals for 2009 was to learn more about Neuro Linguistic Programing. Briefly, NLP is about taking charge of your brain, re-coding your experience (basically, it's what we think about what happens to us that makes us feel bad or good) . I've tried a couple of their techniques in the past, and they seemed to work, and much it makes sense, on a strictly rational level. Anyway, you do exercises with some of your own memories, and try some of the techniques.

One of the first exercises is something like, "Take a memory of the last time you felt really good about something..." and that was where I got stuck. I was having a hard time coming up with a sterling memory on which to work. There were things I was satisfied about, or felt a sense of accomplishment, but, strangely, no recent event where I "felt really good."

I'll have to ponder that.

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