Thursday, October 9, 2008

Buried under the Lies

Boy, as the election gets closer, the lies are piling up. Certainly the lies about Sarah Palin.

Remember, too, there are three ways to lie:

1) Outright deception, falsehood. Bill Clinton: “I didn’t have sexual relations with that woman, with Miss Lewinski.”

2) Tell only part of the truth. Barack Obama: “Bill Ayers was just a guy in my neighborhood.

And, the last, which is apparently the toughest to do well:

3) Tell the truth, but tell it so badly that no one believes you.

What’s really scary, however, is that a lot of people I hear participating in LieStyle #1 about Ms. Palin don’t care about the facts.

Yesterday, some co-workers were commenting about the Governor, and they were repeating schtick from Saturday night live. When I sent them the post from Baseball Crank, filled with untidy facts and detailed references, they continued to scoff. They didn’t care about the truth. They’d made up their minds that Sarah Palin was a joke, and that was the end of it.

I was thinking…when is it all right to lie and misrepresent? The only situation I could think of is in war. There’s a certain amount of required deception when waging a war, a lot of LieStyle #1 and LieStyle #2. We can’t tell our citizens everything we’re doing, lest the enemy learn our strategy. But the presumption is that overall, it’s for the greater good.

So, what the Left is doing makes perfect sense. They are lying, because we’re in a war.

It’s a Holy War.

Think about it. The Left and their disciples (especially the major newspapers and networks) have declared war on the rest of us, on the heretics who don’t share their beliefs, and on the apostates who have fallen from the true faith.

I bet you didn’t know we were in a war.

Now you do. And it’s time to fight back

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