Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama: Distilled, detailed. Devastating.

Over 35 pages on Obama's background, carefully linked, referenced, and sourced. Look for the section “October 14, 2008.”

This is detail, folks. Not just three or four lines about his ties to Ayers or Wright or Rezko, but over 22,000 words (not including the links) about the long and unsavory history of a man completely unworthy to be President.

As the author sums up,

You will often hear Obama's defenders argue that his ties to this or that extremist or corrupt figure is an isolated aberration, an example of "guilt by association"; that the various favors he dispensed with public money and private charitable foundation funds are nothing unusual in politics. But when you look at Obama's record and biography taken together, what you see is that the favors, the extremists and the machine ties are all inextricably intertwined, and that far from being isolated incidents, Obama's modus operandi of mutual back-scratching with radicals and crooks extends to nearly every aspect of his life and career - his family, his faith, his home, his jobs and education, his significant election victories and legislative "accomplishments," his closest advisors and most important mentors, the money and organization that made up his campaigns.

This is a must read, my friends. Take the time Saturday to really pore over this…and spread the word.

Fight the fantasy of "Obama the Leader of Change" with the facts about "Obama, friend to criminals and anti-Americans."

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