Sunday, October 12, 2008

Movie Break!!

Maybe it’s time for a break from reporting on the constant lies. I’ll illuminate the actions of the Obama campaign and their tools the major media later, but for now:


“Ghost Town” - in word, charming. You’ll have to hunt for it at a megaplex, but it’s worth the effort. A ghost story that’s a romantic comedy. You’ll laugh and you’ll cry. Worth full price, which is my highest praise.

“Appaloosa” – well intentioned, great pedigree Western. But…wait for the DVD. It’s slow, and feels strangely incomplete. Strives, unsuccessfully, to add modern psychological twists to the classic Western.

“Fireproof” – the little Christian movie that could. Made for a mere $500,000, it’s a better movie-experience than the much more expensive and slick Appaloosa. It has been dismissed by the usual critics, but for this regular guy, it was very moving and sweet. Strong pro-marriage message, and very upfront about its Christian values. Also well worth full-price…and how many films can you say that about these days?

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