Sunday, September 21, 2008


One thing we have to do, if we are to be conscious human beings, is to question our assumptions.

When Barack Obama said, "My grandmother was a typical white person...", a lot of heads were nodding in agreement. They knew what he meant. She was a typical white person, casually racist without realizing it.

Now if I were to say, "Barack Obama is a typical black man...", would the heads be nodding, or the fingers waving? The assumption then would be that I am a vile racist, that I'm impuning the character of that fine man by suggesting there is such a thing as a typical black man, and, further the assumption is that I'd have nothing good to say about a typical black man.

Assumptions. They're the filters that we use to view the world.

I mean, in my heart of hearts, I want to rip the n--- off Barack Obama. And I worry when I see a group of black teenagers walking toward me at night.

Some of my liberal friends would let their assumptions lead them to the conclusion I was a bit racist, eh?

But, wait. I didn't say either of those things. Jesse Jackson did.

And for Liberals, Jesse Jackson comes with an entirely different set of assumptions.

I guess it's okay, then.

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