Thursday, September 18, 2008


When I was younger, I'd see movies.

I'd see most any film for the slightest of pretexts: the makeup was done by X, the script was by Y. Needless to say, but I'll say it anyway, a lot of them were much less than the sum of their parts.

Same with books. I'd read a lot of different things. Trashy crime novels (emphasis on the "trashy" part), junk science fiction, middling biographies.

But as I got older, that changed. I didn't get more discriminating, exactly. I got stingy. Stingy with my time. I don't have the time to waste on junk films. On crummy books.

I began to be more interested in feeding my soul, feeding my mind, with nutritional fare. Beauty. Uplifting. Honorable deeds. Noble tales.

Because...I don't have the time for garbage anymore.

So...go feed yourself with something good for your heart and your soul and your spirit.

Like this:!/awhwp.html

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