Sunday, September 28, 2008

Seeing/Hearing Only What We Want to See/Hear

I don't know about you all, but I only had time for part of the debates. I tended to like John McCain's presentation/answers, and to not trust Barack Obama's.

But I'm already a McCain supporter. I'll take guts over glitz. John McCain has made choices and stood up for principles that cost him both personally (see how he can't raise his hands above his shoulders...beatings from his Viet Cong captors) and politically (he's voted against the party often enough that a lot of Republicans don't trust him). I don't know the details of the sacrifices Obama has made personally and politically, but I'm willing to bet a paycheck they don't come anywhere near McCain's.

I'll effectiveness over eloquence. McCain has been against spending my money for his political gain, as in the invideous practice of earmarks. Senator Obama has no such compunctions about spending my money if it will garner him some votes down the line.

It was interesting, however, to read responses to the debate on either side. The conservatives thought that McCain took it. Liberals felt Obama carried the day.

Both sides saw what they wanted to see.

The closer we get to the election, the harder it will be to see clearly.

But, speaking of seeing clearly, check out this unflattering video from Youtube (courtesy of The Anchoress). It shows, very clearly, that Democrats were lovin' their Fannie and Freddie a few years ago, when the e-vile Republicans were trying to get some oversight.

Many of those same Dems will try, hard, to pin this on President Bush, and, as Obama called it, "...eight years of failed policies."

Remember...Congress makes the laws. Those buffoons passed the laws...all the laws. The President can sign or veto them...but the buffoons have ways of putting poison pills into the laws (riders, earmarks, other squirrely crap) that put a President in the position of vetoing a good or useful act to keep sneaky junk from getting into the system.

The President can propose...but Congress (the Senate and the House of Representatives) legislate.

It's on them.

Remember that when Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama (a Senator, oddly enough) try to blame the President for the failure and the required Bailout.

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