Friday, September 12, 2008

Wasting Valuable Oxygen

Damn it, I just lost a post about this:

Scumbag Child Molestor Poses as child to enroll in school

So, I'll be short.

Note that this vermin was living with other vermin who had abused children.

Children are the most innocent and defenseless among us.

Society has a duty to defend the innocent and defenseless from those who would prey on them.

Child abuse ruins the victim's life. I worked in a drug and alcohol rehab, and I've listened to many people speak about the effects of being abused and how it impacted their lives. None of them found it beneficial.

These human plagues need to be removed from our society. We shoot rabid dogs, and they don't know right from wrong. Child abusers know what they are doing is wrong.

And they don't care. Almost certainly each of these slimeballs has more than one arrest/conviction for child abuse. They served their time and then they went out and abused another child.

I get very Old Testament about this. Two convictions, and they should be shot in a public square. I'd volunteer to be on the firing squad.

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